Helene Karabuda... (Photo: Thomas Gidén)
HELENE - a choreograpy materialised in a flip-book.
Release October 1 at 14.00 at E.L.D. LAB Norrtullsgatan 7.
Choreography and text: Efva Lilja
Dance: Helene Karabuda
Photo: Thomas Gidén
Graphic Design: Nina Ulmaja
Print: Katarina Tryck
Yukarıdaki özet bilgi E.L.D'nin web sitesinde Karabuda ailesinin dansçı üyesi Helene'in adına yapılan gösteri hakkında. Helene, İsveç'in çok önemli bu topluluğunda uzun yıllardır dansediyor. Aynı zamanda yardımcı koreograf olarak çalışıyor.
Helene "The Outmost White" oyununda buz üzerinde solo dansetmiş:

About "The Outmost White":
"Helene Karabuda’s performance mirrors human despair at the edge of the world, where no earthly laws are valid and no human contact is possible. The tiny figure that moves about in the rays of light appears to be playing with the changing light, colouring each part of the stage with a new plastic intonation." Kultura, Moscow 12/6/03
E.L.D Ankara'da ODTÜ Uluslararası Dans Festivali için davet almış. Keşke onları İstanbul Festivallerinde de görebilsek...
E.L.D kendisini şöyle anlatıyor:
The role of the artist is to provide the context for creative processes in which the goal has not been pre-determined. This involves a considerable degree of risk-taking and the insight and understanding generated by the process may be just as much the goal as the “result” – the work of art. In the relatively near future this process will become a more public matter than the work itself as the audience will take on a more active role in relation to concept, working methods, equipment, teaching… everything that contributes towards the working process. Members of the audience will have to make use of their own creative capacities in relation to experience, context, cause and effect. This new form of participation will have an effect both on the artist and on the participating audience. Interaction.
E.L.D. LAB concentrates on open-ended creative processes involving new forms of collaboration between artists and scientists with the focus on dance.The aim of the work we do together is to develop new ways of working for artistic activities as well as new forms of performance and to improve the conditions for the encounter with our audience. Our aim is also to shed light on the creative possibilities available within dance as an art form and how it can serve contemporary society. E.L.D.’s studios are the headquarters for our operations.
Research and Artistic Development Projects
We develop projects in collaboration with artists and scientists in different genres and fields. The current project is “Movement as the Memory of the Body”, a three-year project involving dancers, composers, film directors, researchers in dance, sociologists, social gerontologists, philosophers and others. The director of the project is Efva Lilja. The various parts of the project will be on show as part of Open Monday series of evenings in the form of seminars, workshops, open rehearsals etc. and the end result will be a new work for performance, a documentary film and a publication.
Multi-Genre Collaborative Projects
The work we do in E.L.D. crosses the boundaries between genres. We collaborate with other fields of artistic endeavour on projects to develop new forms of performance and new networks of arrangers. These projects also generate general models for others to experiment with.
In addition to our own projects and productions, we are developing the Forum for a New Choreography – a project in which choreographers from outside E.L.D. are invited to join us as guests and are given an opportunity to present their works. The criteria for invitation is that the work is judged to be original and creative in character and that the working process will be an open one. We find as much room as we can for other artistic projects within the framework of our activities. A reference group made up of young students at arts institutions in higher education or those recently graduated is being formed so as to incorporate within what we do young people’s points of view, what they enjoy, what they really want, as a complement to the skills and knowledge of the established artists.
Produces works of art in dance for presentation both by new networks of arrangers and in new performance contexts as well as on the traditional stage – nationally and internationally. Based in E.L.D.’s premises in Stockholm, the field in which we can engage with audiences of very age-group, social class and a wide range of cultural and geographic backgrounds spans the entire globe. Our performances have been presented in more than a score of countries.
Site Specific Shows
We are frequently invited to stage performances in particular places or events at various sites throughout the world. The sites for which we have created special stagings include the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Akers Internationals enormous foundry at Åkers gun-factory, the Vasa Museum, the Siarö Fort in the Stockholm archipelago and Hammarby seaport – to name but a few. Priority is given to site specific work and to works which contribute to the development of new forms of performance.
Our Repertoire
Maintaining a repertoire of prominent work of high quality is of vital importance to the continuity of our work. Repertory performances alternate with new productions. E.L.D.’s repertoire is made up of works for various fora and contexts, from intimate solo pieces to whole-evening performances for major stage venues.
Dance in Schools
Performances for children and young people form an important part of our activities. In order to improve and expand the nature of our encounter with the public and to encourage interest in art within schools, we are also engaged in developing new methods and models for arrangers. Public presentation of this work occurs as part of courses of professional training and within the institutions concerned with the aim of improving conditions both for ourselves and for other practitioners and to promote the very concept of presenting dance as an art form in schools.
Video/Television/New Media
Creating Dance for the new media is one of the artistic challenges we are actively committed to.
Our activities need to be clearly structured and defined so as to ensure that production, administration and marketing function efficiently. E.L.D. is run as a co-operative economic association. The board is assisted by a consultative committee made up of representatives from various areas of expertise. The members of the committee are engaged by the board on each occasion, depending on what the issues are. As is always the case, the various staff groups within E.L.D. are represented on decision-making and consultative bodies. We work within clearly-defined democratic structures and with a powerful sense of professional ethics.
E.L.D. has received funding from the National Council for Cultural Affairs since 1985, from Stockholm City Council (the Municipality of Stockholm) since 1988 and from Stockholm County Council since 1990.
We work together under different forms of employment and our employment contracts are of various lengths. What we have in common is the goals we share at work and our determination to make them reality. To achieve these goals we work in a democratic framework implemented so as to create the best possible conditions for individual members of staff in which to develop their abilities and to put them to best use.
Study Visits, Work Experience, Postgraduate Researchers
The openness of our activities and our continual involvement and engagement with the world around us is invigorated and fortified by the curiosity of the young about our working processes and our performances. It is also vital to provide young people with an opportunity to find out about our various areas of professional activity. This is why we encourage visits from both secondary school pupils as well as from students at sixth-form colleges and in vocational training or in higher education. Our activities are accessible to both current and prospective researchers.
Our premises at Norrtullsgatan in Stockholm are the headquarters of our operations. It is here that various parts of our activities are developed, here that artists, scientists, technicians and other the other collaborating professional groups – theoreticians and practitioners – come together. We receive study visits here as well as visits from trainees, the media and interested members of the general public.
Bu sürekli arayan, araştıran, dansı yaşama sokmanın bilimsel yöntemleri üzerinde odaklanan ve ürünlerini halka karşılıksız sunan grubun web sitesini ziyaret edin, harika fotoğraflar görün: E.L.D.