26 Eylül'de yolu Paris'ten geçecek kültür-sanat gazetecilerini ilgilendirebilir:
Press Conference – September 26, 11am – Maison de Radio France
Almost fifty years after it was first celebrated, the XVth Biennale de Paris will be held in Paris, France and abroad, mostly between 1 and 31 October 2006.
Nearly 100 projects from more than 20 countries will take part : 58 projects in Paris and its surrounding area, 11 in the provinces and 29 in foreign countries.
The approaches presented speak for themselves. The Biennale de Paris no longer imposes objects, works, artists or ideas.
The catalogue (1185 pages) brings together a comprehensive selection of unpublished documents and is available from Paris Musées http://www.parismusees.com or from the following website: http://www.biennaledeparis.org
The Biennale de Paris would like to thank all its partners for their precious support. http://www.biennaledeparis.org/2006/en/associates.htm
The press conference will be held on 26 September at 11 am at the Centre for Foreign Press in France (Maison de Radio France).116 Avenue du Président Kennedy 75220 Paris Cedex 16Phone. : + 33 (0)1 56 40 15 15http://www.capefrance.com
Accès : RER C, Bus 70 ou 72.
- Translated by Abadenn Multilingue Internationale -
Biennale de ParisBP 35875868 Paris cedex 18FranceT: + 33 (0)1 42 29 48 23E: contact@biennaledeparis.orghttp://www.biennaledeparis.org
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