Çarşamba, Nisan 19, 2006


-"BOSPHORUS ART PROJECT" projesinden dolaylı olarak bana kadar gelen- bir mesaj var:


We will be publishing a special issue on "Istanbul: the City" in the Fall (around october/november) for the Bosphorus Art Project Quarterly. We are looking for submissions from a variety of topics and writers. Could even besort of a travelog/blog. You all have connections to Istanbul somehow. Let me know if you would like to contribute and let me also know of others whom we may contact as potential contributers... We are open to all types of submissions including music. I do hope we can create a great issue withlots of contributors. Hope all is well with you. Take care...
Bosphorus Art Poject Quarterly

Ben bu siteyi kurcalarken Mesut Özgen'in şu yorumuna bayıldım, Aşık Veysel'in, Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım"ı yarınki "yollara" ancak bu kadar güzel aktarılabilir, belki hemen dinlemek istersiniz:

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